At The Tipping Point
My chest was tight. Nothing had changed. But something had changed. There was an energy shift and it freaked me the hell out.
Hey Everyone
I was just getting into the groove with my #nosnoozebuttonchallenge when the damn Corona came a-callin!
I’m a news junkie, so most of my morning commute involves hearing about the suffering in the world followed by my prayer that us humans get our shit together before we wipe each other out. I’m listening to stories about this virus. I’m hearing about bat soup and Wuhan and I’m thinkin, “This is probably why people shouldn’t eat bats. Well, they are kinda packed in together pretty tight in China. This can’t be good.”
Side note: that is a very broad and ignorant generalization, but honestly that is what ran through my head.
People are dying left and right in China and I remember the Ebola crisis. I hope and pray that they figure out containment. I move on. The virus spreads. On to Iran, then, Italy. Well damn, that sure jumped continentally! Uh oh, now it’s in Seattle. Then Biogen happens. Poor Biogen. They were only trying to have a high-level managers’ conference in a swanky Marriott hotel. Little did they know, a few colleagues from Italy brought that ‘Rona with them. And then all North American hell breaks loose! Biogen attendees fly back home carrying a lovely gift with them and we all know what happened after that.
I’m usually a realist, a pragmatic person. I take stuff in the news with a grain of salt. I always confirm before I repost. I don’t do conspiracy theories, not because I think they are impossible-but what the hell am I supposed to do with all of that?
The hype continues to ramp to a fever pitch and I feel like my head is spinning. Well, of course it is! The world has turned upside down in a matter of 3 very short months. Check this out:
January 1- there are rumblings connected to this new virus in China
January 11- the first death in China is announced
February 19- first deaths reported in Iran
February 23- virus-related deaths are reported in Italy
March 3- there were a total of 9 deaths near Seattle.
March 5- Attendees of the Biogen conference in Boston begin to report symptoms
March 11- the World Health Organization declares COVID-19 a worldwide pandemic, NBA cancels the remainder of the season. NCAA cancels March Madness
At this point, I was aware but feeling a bit annoyed. I felt like the news media was creating hysteria and generating false hype. You know how they do sometimes. One school in my district closed because of exposure. My fellow teachers begin to feel a little unnerved. Most special education providers travel between schools. How many other schools have been impacted, but we just don’t know it yet? What if we bring it home to our parents? What about those of us with pre-existing conditions?
5 other states had already closed their schools. In Massachusetts, it was looking like ‘Whack-A-Mole’ with school closures. No rhyme or reason.
Then there was a turning point. I couldn’t tell you necessarily what was different than the day before. I was agitated. I couldn’t concentrate. I couldn’t focus at work. My spirit was real scratchy.
My chest was tight. Nothing had changed. But something had changed. There was an energy shift and it freaked me the hell out.
I felt panic take over me. What if they do close schools? What if everything closes? What if the worst happens? We don’t have enough food for two weeks!
Lucky Friday, March 13th. The Boston mayor postpones the Boston Marathon which has never happened in 124 years. Boston schools are closed until April 27th! Ok, now what the fuck is really going on? We went from everything around us is closing EXCEPT the schools, to “No, schools are not closing there will be school next week.”, to ain’t nobody going to school until the end of APRIL. It’s all very mindblowing.
March 16- U.S. Stock Market drops 3000 points, schools are closed, the nation is “social distancing”, San Francisco is ordered to “shelter-in-place”, gatherings of more than 10 people are prohibited.
I was feeling relieved that school is closed. I was looking forward to hunkering down in my comfy domicile. I was excited about the projects I could tackle while being forced to stay put. Then there was another shift. Something bigger is amiss. I can feel it. My chest is tightening again. Call it woman’s intuition, Spidey senses, whatever. Something sick-ed this way comes.
I’mma pray for you and you pray for me. I’ll catch you on the other side.